
One of the pleasures of preparing this website is rescuing photographs, images, documents etc., before they disappear such that they can be permanently recorded due to the amazing capabilities of modern image editing software. In many cases, the restore is actually much better than the original would have been.

This example shows a 1903 photograph which was used as the source of a postcard at the time. Though the picture tells a story, it was clearly taken using fairly primitive equipment but it can be fully brought back to life.

Below is one of the last available photographs of the Old Trent Bridge which was closed in 1846 after the ‘new’ one was built parallel to it.

This below example shows Burton’s first Railway Station which was demolished in 1883 after a replacement station had been built further down the line.

So – if you have any images of Burton upon Trent that would be of interest, don’t be put off by their condition.


Website by Kevin Gallagher