Fire Brigade – Group Photos

This series of group photos provide a lovely glimpse of the Burton Fire Brigade through its history. The pictures and names are made possible through the research of Robert Cox and are a very small sample of the photos featured in his book. They appear here by his kind permission.

One of the oldest photos of the Burton Fire Brigade at the end of the ninteenth century. Though in poor condition, it is just too nice not to feature.

1892 Burton Fire Brigade at Union Street Fire Station
Back Row: John Watson, Albert Simnett, Samuel Smedley, Robert Gooch
Middle Row: Norman Hird, William Hird, Armshee Wallace, John Pass, David Twigg, George Green, Thomas Roberts, John Bennett, Harry Basford
Front Row: James Cox, William Thompson, Charles Siddals

1908 Burton Fire Brigade at the Town Hall
Taking parade is Superintendent Robert Gooch. Facing him from left to right are:
John Bennett (Killed in service), Jack Inwood, Albert Simnett, George Green, James Smith, Armshee Wallace, George Shepherd, Joseph Ridgard, Fred Holford, William Gooch, William Hamp, Norman Hird

1919 Burton Fire Brigade at New Street Fire Station
Back Row: William Webster, Norman Hind, Ralph Harvey, Roland Paskin, Joseph Felthouse, Armshee Wallace, John Bennett
Middle Row: George Green, John Inwood, William Green, William Gooch, Edwin Tooby, Thomas Fletcher
Front Row: Joseph Croshaw, Timothy Banton, James Smith

1929 Burton Fire Brigade at New Street Fire Station
Back Row: Percy Clarke, John Williams, Albert Sumsion, Noah Pegg, William Green, Herbert Paley, Olly Taylor
Middle Row: George Shepherd, Jim Sherratt, Joseph Croshaw, William Grice, John Neal, Roland Paskin, Charlie Dyche
Front Row: Sydney Marler, Harry Shelley, John Inwwod, Joe Felthouse, William Gooch (Supt.), William Hamp, John Yeomans, John Dyche

1947 Burton Fire Brigade
Back Row: Bill Haywood, Sidney Cliffe, Tom Bivens, Harry Appleby, JOe Chamberlain, Harry Porter
Third Row: George Ryder, T02, Bill Oakley, T04, Bill Binley, Alf Crampton, Reg Baldwin, T08
Second Row: Bill Gill, Arthur Beech, S03, S04, Les Wood, S06, George Lowe, S08, Fred Thorpe
Front Row: Fred Stimpson, George Roden, Charlie Dyche, Charlie Elliott, Fred Carnwell, Dick Edwards, George Bentley, John Dyche


Website by Kevin Gallagher